A Reader's Post: Endometriosis Research Center
I received this email recently, and I want to share it with you. -Annie

Dear Annie,
I was sorting through e-mails and looking for new fundraising ideas when I did a search. I found your site and read through many of the various links that were in it. I would like to take the chance to thank you for such a well thought out site.
What made me write were two things: one- I am 33 and had a hysterectomy at age 30- my son (age 10 at the time) had brain cancer 1 year later- and survived. I saw you promoting kids cancer links- for that my heartfelt thanks. Secondly, our ribbon for endometriosis is *also* yellow. A symbol of hope- yes.... you mentioned it for children's cancer- and also Military (my husband is Air Force) if nothing else- thank you for getting the word out on these two very important matters. If you could help with the endometriosis, I would very much appreciate it.
My name is Denise Childs, and I am the Director of Fundraising for the Endometriosis Research Center, which is based out of Florida. I currently live in Arizona and commute via computer to do all of the volunteer work for ERC. I also am Founder of the EndoCenter of Phoenix, which is our local support group that meets in "real time" and in person. What makes our group so special and different is that we are volunteers running every support group, to the largest listserv on line for women with endometriosis. Endometriosis is a very *undiagnosed and misdiagnosed* disease that affects millions worldwide. Please follow the below link to find out more on endometriosis:
Please visit the Endometriosis Center Listserver
For More information on Endometriosis
Please visit Our Cafe Press Shop of products for the cause.
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