Awareness Ribbons and Bracelets: Popular Fundraising Item
Humble beginnings often wind their way down unexpected paths toward unthinkable destinations. Certainly, no one could have predicted the journey a simple sewing notion has forged; increasing awareness and raising incalculable funds for worthy causes. Awareness Ribbons are available in every imaginable color. They are routinely constructed of fabric, metal, enamel, semi-precious stones, even chocolate.
Pinpointing the exact ancestry of today's Awareness Ribbon craze can be tricky. Some reference points include black mourning bands worn in Victorian times, yellow ribbons for veterans immortalized by Tony Orlando's song, and MADD's initial foray into symbolizing their cause with red ribbons tied to car antennas.
The current shape and signification is drawn from efforts to demonstrate public support for AIDS funding and compassion for those suffering, and dying, from the devastating disease. Jeremy Irons is credited with being the first public figure to don the simple red loop on his lapel at a high profile event: Broadway's Tony Awards. His courage and concern was contagious. Soon red ribbons were de rigueur at Hollywood events, charitable functions, and political gatherings.
The increase of public awareness and media interest in AIDS funding, research and support for individuals struggling with the disease is credited in great part to the proliferation of red ribbons on influential lapels. Other charitable organizations began signifying their individual causes with a multitude of colored ribbons. A Ribbon Roadmap may be needed to navigate the various colors and their respective causes.

Just as options for colored ribbons seem saturated, creative supporters of charitable organizations continue to develop products in the shape of the now iconic Awareness Ribbon. Choices now include fine chocolates, candy suckers, costume jewelry and valuable ribbons made of rare metals and precious colored stones.
Our guide to Awareness Ribbons is less than comprehensive. Different colors are selected by causes on a regular basis. Yes, it can be confusing. The precise point of Awareness Ribbons has been to open a dialogue between the uninitiated and die-hard supporters of humanitarian organizations. Find a ribbon you can't identify and within minutes the wearer may have you initiated into the ranks of those supporting a cause.
--Annie Van Bebber